Web Development Projects Repository
Welcome to my Web Development Projects Repository! Here, you’ll find a collection of static websites and projects that I created during my journey as a web developer. Each project showcases my skills and progress in the field of web development.
1. Dhruv da Dhaba
- Duration: Jan 2021 - May 2021
- Description: Dhruv da Dhaba is a restaurant website. It was my first project in web development, and though it took longer than expected, the learning experience was invaluable.
- Details:
- Name of Restaurant: Dhruv Da Dhaba (imaginary)
- Linked Pages: Blog Page
- Skills: HTML5, CSS
2. LDRP Institute of Technology
- Duration: Sep 2022 - Present
- Description: This website was designed for my college, LDRP Institute of Technology & Research. It includes a detailed analysis of student results and was one of the largest projects I built during that time.
- Skills: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript
3. Canva Girls NFTs with Website
- Duration: Jun 2022 - Jul 2022
- Description: Canva Girls is a project involving nearly 10,000 unique NFTs created using blockchain technology. The project showcases girl characters designed with Canva, and there’s a modern webpage to display some of these NFTs.
- Skills: Graphic Design, NFTs, HTML5, CSS
4. Parallax Website
- Description: A parallax website featuring an engaging design with scrolling effects. It portrays “The Moon Resort” and highlights its amenities and scenic views.
- Skills: HTML5, CSS
5. Cab UPI
- Description: This project was designed for a UPI app specifically for cabs. It was created as part of my first hackathon.
- Skills: HTML, CSS
Feel free to explore each project by clicking on the demo link and check out the screenshots to get a glimpse of the designs.